Download RF Cheats

Jul 7, 2009

RF ASPD Tower Cheats

If you want to cheat rf aspd tower, you can get it at here. Before, you must download cheat engine. How to use aspd rf tower cheats :

  1. scan tower name
  2. browse address
  3. find hex, example XX XX XX XX 34 XX XX 12 XX Intense Guard Tower
  4. add 34 hex number with byte and change value to be 0
  5. then all freeze
  6. find address XX 45 XX XX 12 XX XX FF FF
  7. change 45 to 0 and 12 to 99
  8. then freeze
  9. try momon and use damage, repeate again, then back your address and find XX 45 XX XX 12 XX XX FF FF
  10. change 45 to 0 and 12 to 99

thanks freeze