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Jul 31, 2009

Video RF Elven Pvp Action

If you like watch video RF elven php action such as templar vs striker, graz vs striker, warlock vs striker, and more. Like templar vs striker, Templar with int+5 65 lance and +4 set vs. Striker with int+5 65 flamethrower and +4 set. Then Graz VS Striker, Striker (Int+5 65 flamer, standard eles, +4 armor) Vs. Grazier (Int+5 65 staff, standard eles, +4 armor, 65 summons). RF elven Pvp action between Warlock VS Striker, Striker (int+5 65 flamer, +4 armor, standard eles) Vs. Warlock (int+5 staff, standard eles, +4 armor

You can watch at here :
Templar VS Striker
Graz VS Striker
Warlock VS Striker