If you like watch video RF elven php action such as templar vs striker, graz vs striker, warlock vs striker, and more. Like templar vs striker, Templar with int+5 65 lance and +4 set vs. Striker with int+5 65 flamethrower and +4 set. Then Graz VS Striker, Striker (Int+5 65 flamer, standard eles, +4 armor) Vs. Grazier (Int+5 65 staff, standard eles, +4 armor, 65 summons). RF elven Pvp action between Warlock VS Striker, Striker (int+5 65 flamer, +4 armor, standard eles) Vs. Warlock (int+5 staff, standard eles, +4 armor
You can watch at here :
Templar VS Striker
Graz VS Striker
Warlock VS Striker
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